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The Value of Independent Facilitation and the Citizen-Ship
A poem by Melodie Cook
Melodie Cook, Operations Director of Community Living Windsor, reflects on the impacts of Independent Facilitation and the importance of this unique offering within Developmental Services as an option to assist people to claim full citizenship.
Continuing the Conversation
Presentations by People and Families
The following video clips from Inclusion Press were recorded at the Continuing the Conversation, Taking More Action: Sharing Ideas about the Future of Independent Facilitation and ‘Brokerage’ event, held in Windsor on February 12, 2019.
Conversations at the Crossroads
Video Testimonials by People and Families
The following video clips were recorded at the Conversations at the Crossroads: Sharing ideas about the Future of Independent Facilitation & ‘Brokerage’ event, held in Windsor on January 17, 2019.
Contributions Neighbours
Can Make to a Good Life
My Home, My Choice Story Vignettes
In this series of short stories, people and families living in Windsor and Essex County talk about their important connections with neighbours, friends, and others.
Reflections on Common Threads 2016
Changing Stories…Stories of Change
By John O’Brien
Hosted by the Ontario Independent Facilitation Network (OIFN) on November 16-17, 2016, this Common Threads conference drew people with disabilities and family members, independent facilitators, and organization leaders together to reflect on stories of change supported by Independent Facilitation.
Conversations and thinking were framed by the question:
What difference do independent facilitators make and how do they do it?”
Most of the exploration focused on change for people and families as they relate to their neighbourhoods/communities and supports.
Telling Your Story about
Independent Facilitation
On October 6, 2016, people and families gathered to reflect on their experiences in the Independent Facilitation Demonstration Project (IFDP).
Reflections on Common Threads 2014
Approaches and Contexts for Planning Everyday Lives
By John O’Brien
with contributions by conference presenters
Hosted by the Ontario Independent Facilitation Network (OIFN) on April 1-2, 2014, in partnership with the Individualized Funding Coalition for Ontario (IFCO), this Common Threads conference composed portraits of person-centered work.
Everyone who attended had the chance to expand their understanding by reflecting on the hopes and meanings attached to doing the work of Independent Facilitation.