“We are a community of possibilities,
not a community of problems.”
― Peter Block, Community: The Structure of Belonging
In our working relationship together, we will:
- Listen to you.
- Treat you with respect.
- Support your right to make your own decisions with the support of the people you trust.
- Learn with you about the best way to support you to live the life you want in your home, neighbourhood, and community.
- Suggest and find ways to get the assistance you need.
- Support you and those you trust to find ways for you to take risks and still be safe.
- Suggest what you and others need to do to get support.
- Work with you to be able to change your supports when you need to.
- Be sure you know and agree with your responsibilities and those of your family and friends, supporters, and others in your network, neighbourhood, and community.
- Make sure that we are only in your life when you want us to be.
- Stick with you in difficult times.
- Learn from our mistakes.
- Do what we say we will do and not make promises that we can’t keep.
We will assist you to look into new ideas and opportunities and…
- Provide you with information.
- Invite and encourage you to try new experiences.
- Invite and encourage you to widen your network of support and contacts.
- Expect the best quality of life possible for you as a full citizen and
- community member.
- Look for and connect with people who are actively developing better ways to help people with disabilities in our neighbourhoods and communities.
We realize that you may disagree with us or not be
satisfied with our assistance to you and we accept
the responsibility to…
- Talk openly with you and work it through until everyone is okay.
- Try new ways to work with you and then check to see if the new way is better.
- Work hard to understand you and why we are or why we are not doing the right job for you, especially when you express yourself better through actions than words.
- Assist you to explore other sources of assistance if you want to do that.
This is YOUR life!
In working with people, we are also committed to their family members, friends, loved ones, and trusted others.
We realize that you and the person we assist may not always agree on
what is possible; if there is a disagreement we will…
- Respond respectfully to your concerns about safety and well-being.
- Talk openly with you and work together until everyone is okay.
- Assist in coming up with a solution that works for all involved.
- Support the importance of trusting relationships.